Guest Shamans

Rufino Turpo and Family

The Turpo lineage has been settled on the slopes of the Great Apu Ausangate since very remote times and the transmission of leadership passes through generations through the touch of 3 rays. Rufino Turpo is the current heir to this sacred relationship and guardian of the Mamacocha, Sonq’ococha, Yanacocha lagoons, the temple of Lightning, the […]

Yana Bartova

From the Shuar tradition I received my name Tatzimoi - "bird that accompanies families in their homes and orchards with its song". I was born in the Czech Republic. I studied cultural anthropology, African dance and theater. From there I started my real world learning by moving to Mexico where I lived for 10 years. […]

Magda Buitrago

Healer (medicine woman) of Colombian nationality. With experience in ancestral medicine, family constellations, biotherapy, Reiki, Aryurveda massage among other areas of holistic knowledge. In my work experiences I began with a self-training and empowerment of myself, an exploration in which I could see my deep wound and in this search I found my teachers and […]

Luis Ochoa

Luis Ochoa is originally from Jalisco, Mexico. He has been walking the Northern Red Road for more than 30 years and sharing the medicine of Grandfather Peyote, originally from the desert of San Luis Potosí, Mexico. The Peyote ceremony is very rigorous in the manner of the traditional Teepee design of the Grandfathers of the […]

Norma Alvarez

Norma was blessed with the opportunity to receive the knowledge and prayer of the Yopo Medicine from the hands of the legendary Taita Bolivar, from the Piaroa tribe in Venezuela (since ancient times, they have been considered the most devoted guardians of this tradition). Three years ago, at the age of 110 years old, Taita […]