Rufino Turpo and Family

The Turpo lineage has been settled on the slopes of the Great Apu Ausangate since very remote times and the transmission of leadership passes through generations through the touch of 3 rays. Rufino Turpo is the current heir to this sacred relationship and guardian of the Mamacocha, Sonq’ococha, Yanacocha lagoons, the temple of Lightning, the old altar in the center of the lagoon, the stone of the codices and the magical relics of his father and grandparents. His father Nazario Turpo and his grandfather Mariano Turpo were legendary healers and very important activist leaders defending ancestral wisdom. Both played a very important role in the fight against the slavery that landowners inflicted on the indigenous population in their territory. Nazario curated the Andes exhibit at the National Museum of the American Indian in Washington DC, with the Washington Post publishing an extensive article about him in August 2003. Rufino learned from them, especially from his grandfather Mariano, who turned into a mountain looking at the Apu Ausangate when he died.

Rufino and his wife Julia Condori (teacher weaver) will introduce us to the magic of the Apu Ausangate, connecting us with the family of mountains and ñustas that surround the great Apu Mayor. We will receive our sacred name in the oracle of the lagoon and we will receive the Misha (the Andean altar) with the empowerment of the energy of the Apu and Mamacocha. They will offer us an energetic cleanse at the altar of lightning and they will teach us how to invoke the flower garden that lives inside the lagoon.
